Sunday, June 10, 2012

Top 5 Korean Dramas

This is just my opinion on the best dramas that I've ever watched and definitely. I had to go deep into my memory and pull these few out haha.

1.) Boys Over Flowers

BEST DRAMA EVER IMO. I mean c'mon, there's four different versions: 2 taiwanese, 1 japanese, and my favorite, Korean. It has to be good to have 4 version right? The main boy character is unlikable at first but eventually he reveals his dorky, stubborn character. Oh and the main girl is dorky too but annoys be soooo much sometimes. Oh and like 3/4 of them are like so handsome (sorry not the one on the very left) which definitely add bonus points.

2.) You're Beautiful

I know, I know, another drama with a bunch of pretty boys and a girl. You gotta admit, they are the best though :) It's a story about a girl who has a twin brother that needs help in temporarily replacing him in a band called A.N Jell.  Another drama with a main boy who's cold and distant at first, but then reveals his stubborness to gain love from the main girl. Jeremy (blond guy on right) adds a good amount of dorkiness to A.NJell which is great because most of them are dead serious all the time lol.

3.) The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry 

This is a pretty good drama. It's about I definitely enjoyed watching it. And guess what? Kim Bum from Boys Over Flowers is in it as the main guy! Oh yeahhh...:D It's a story about a boy (Kim Bum) who falls in love with an older woman and they deal with the harsh reactions of society who are against their love. Forbidden love stories are always the best :) This drama's maturity level is greater than #1 and #2 above, but every character adds that special dash of quirkiness which makes this drama enjoyable. If you haven't watched this, GO DO IT NOW.

4.) Full House

Okay I know I've repeated this many times, but these 2 main characters showcase the most quirkiness I've ever seen (if you haven't noticed, I love drama dorks). I would have to say that this would be considered a classic Korean Drama that most people love. I especially love Han Ji Eun's cute and girly style. Fashion is an important aspect of a drama! So anyways, in this drama the main girl loses her house (the only thing she hung onto that contains memories of her parents0 because of her selfish friends and ends up being bought by a superstar. She decides to work it off by being his maid but they end up falling for eachother, even if not at the same time (sorry for the slight spoiler). WATCH IT!

5.) Love Rain 

Not gonna lie. I started watching this drama because I love Jang Geun Suk AND Yoona. I wanted to see how 2 of my favorite Korean Singer and Actor interacted with eachother. I put this as #5 and not sooner because this is the most recent drama I've seen and I didn't want to put it in my top 3. It's a good timeless drama that displays one love story that branches off into two between 2 generations. Watch it and you'll know what I mean. And for a singer, Yoona, you are pretty good at acting! Props!

I must stop blogging now, although it is strangely addicting. If writing essays was this addicting I would never be worried about Language Arts haha :)

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